Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:
With the summer semester underway, I want to remind everyone of the University’s commitment to promoting and maintaining a safe, respectful campus environment. The well-being and security of every member of the UA community is a top priority, and we will continue to work to eliminate gender discrimination and sexual misconduct on campus.
There are numerous resources and reporting options in place to provide support to those affected by sexual misconduct. For a full description of the University’s services, staff and resources available, please visit The services and assistance detailed on the site are in place to help the campus community with both prevention and response to sexual assault and sexual misbehavior.
Also, please take time to review the UA Sexual Misconduct Policy which describes how the University may take action and provide assistance to affected individuals involved in a sexual misconduct report. Those found to be in violation of this Policy will be subject to corrective action up to and including termination from employment or expulsion from the University. Resources to aid victims of sexual misconduct include medical treatment, counseling services, academic assistance, safety planning, housing assistance, assistance with filing a criminal report and help with community resources.
The Title IX Office, newly located in Capital Hall, oversees UA’s efforts to promote a secure campus community free of discrimination based on gender. Reports of sexual misconduct or gender-based discrimination can be made to the Title IX office directly, by emailing ( or by calling 205-348-5496. Reports may also be filed with The University of Alabama Police Department by calling 205-348-5454. The Women and Gender Resource Center also provides confidential reporting, counseling services and advocacy for victims. A full list of reporting options is available by visiting UAct.
Another vital resource in the Tuscaloosa community is the Tuscaloosa SAFE Center, located at 1601 University Blvd. East, Suite 150. The Center can be reached by phone at 205-860-SAFE (7233). Anyone 14-years-old or older, regardless of gender, who has experienced sexual assault can go to the SAFE Center, which offers the latest advances in providing high-quality care to those affected by sexual assault in a compassionate, patient-centered environment.
I also highly recommend you take advantage of the digital resources and support the University provides the entire campus community. Text “UASAFETY” to 444999 to receive a downloadable Contact Card with valuable contact numbers and information related to safety and support resources, such as UAPD and the Title IX office. Also, to receive immediate access to information during an emergency and for the ability to contact campus law enforcement agencies quickly, please download the UA Safety App. Through the app, you can also livestream 92.5 FM UA Info Radio and follow the UA Safety Twitter feed for UA Alerts, weather information, a built-in GPS for campus and safety tips. Users who already have the app installed should visit the App Store or Google Play on their device to make sure they have the recently updated version (April 2019).
Please know The University of Alabama takes the issue of sexual misconduct very seriously. We will regularly share information about the wide range of resources available to the campus community. I hope you will continue to partner with us in an ongoing effort to combat and eliminate sexual misconduct.
Stuart R. Bell