A Message from the President – August 2, 2022

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,

Please join me in congratulating our upcoming summer 2022 graduates, including students from 18 countries and 192 first-generation students who will be celebrating commencement this weekend. With just two weeks remaining until the beginning of the fall semester, I hope you are preparing to take advantage of all the opportunities the upcoming semester has to offer.

Reflecting on our accomplishments this year, I invite you to take a look back at your successes in 2021-2022. Moving forward, we will continue to win together as a unified community.

Speaking of victories, what a remarkable sight it was to witness three current and former student-athletes earn medals at the World Games in Birmingham. Congratulations to Alabama All-Americans Haylie McCleney and Montana Fouts who helped lead USA Softball to win the team’s third-straight gold medal, and to UA alumna Anna Gay for earning the silver medal in women’s trick water ski. We are also proud of Miss University of Alabama Lindsay Fincher, who was selected from among 40 candidates and crowned Miss Alabama 2022. UA students and alumni continue to demonstrate legendary influence and impressive results.

Thriving in a culture of collaboration, our renowned faculty and staff also persist in shaping the future through creativity and innovation — and yet again, earning richly deserved recognition. The University of Alabama received an award to implement the first ever Gandhi-King Scholarly Exchange Initiative, an honor that demonstrates our community’s commitment to lead and serve.

The University is also transforming society through leading-edge technology, such as the new Connect Alabama app, created through the VitAL initiative in the UA School of Social Work and funded through a partnership with the Alabama Department of Public Health. The novel mobile health application will connect those seeking mental health and substance abuse assistance to information, support and treatment services. UA’s broad reach is evident in our communities.

As we look forward to the fall semester, I encourage you to revisit the Capstone Creed, which serves as a reminder to our students about what we value at The University of Alabama. Our mission is clear and our next steps precise. I’m glad you’re part of the UA family.

Roll Tide!

Stuart R. Bell