Category: Messages from the President

Middle of fall semester update

It’s Fall Speed Ahead for UA: An update from President Bell

As we prepare to celebrate a wonderful Homecoming by welcoming our alumni, family and friends back to campus, I wanted to take a few minutes to recognize other good news that’s worth a round of applause.

To begin our new academic year, we announced a record-setting enrollment in mid-September, with a freshman class that includes 174 National Merit and National Achievement Finalists.  More than one-third of our entering freshmen have an ACT of 30 or higher, and more than 2,200 freshmen are enrolled in our Honors College. With a total enrollment of 37,100, UA remains the largest four-year institution in the state, and we continue to enroll the most in-state residents of any Alabama university.

Drawing students to the Capstone from across the nation and globe are our nationally ranked academic programs. Several of our programs have made recent headlines with their success.  In the 2015 Forbes rankings, our MBA at the Manderson Graduate School of Business ranks 25th among similar programs at all public schools in the nation, and fourth in the SEC.

Also gaining recognition, UA’s Dance program was recently ranked 15th in the nation, fourth in the South and first in the state by, who surveyed 322 public and private schools offering dance programs.  UA is home to the only accredited dance program in the state and our students regularly perform nationally and internationally.

Our School of Social Work’s online master’s program was named the top-ranked program of its kind by, based on factors that include graduation, acceptance, retention and enrollment rates. The same program was also ranked among the top 10 programs nationally by the experts of  Students note the program’s flexibility, which allows them to work full-time as they pursue a master’s degree.

Another source of pride for the Capstone is our partnership as a founding member in a national effort to support minority women and girls interested in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields.  The National Academic STEM Collaborative is a consortium of 19 institutions of higher education and nonprofit partners committed to improving STEM diversity in the nation’s colleges and universities.

In late September, we were pleased to welcome Bob Pierce as our new vice president for Advancement. Bob, who comes to us from the University of Southern Mississippi, is an experienced leader in university advancement who brings an outstanding record in fundraising as well as energy and enthusiasm to The University of Alabama.

Earlier today, we also announced that Linda Bonnin has been named vice president for strategic communications at the University. Linda brings a strongly creative approach to problem-solving, a talent for team-building and an outstanding record of success in marketing and promotion, and we are excited that she is joining our team.

The annual Beat Auburn Beat Hunger drive was announced this past Monday and will run through Friday, Nov. 20. Started in 1994, Beat Auburn Beat Hunger has collected more than 2 million pounds of food to help fight hunger and poverty in West Alabama.

Looking forward and in the coming weeks, we will launch our strategic planning process for charting our University’s course forward. This is an exciting endeavor for all of our campus and I have asked Dr. Kevin Whitaker to work closely with me and our campus to lead this effort. We will focus on the mission, vision and objectives for our national flagship university and strategies for how we achieve these aspirations. Our plan will capture a rich discussion that will occur across campus over the coming months, guiding us for even greater achievements in the coming years. Since our campus and Dr. Whitaker will be focused on the elements necessary to produce a strong, deliberate and implementable strategic plan, we will look to begin our search for the permanent provost in the summer of 2016.

In closing, I am thrilled to be serving again at The University of Alabama, and I want to thank everyone for the gracious welcome extended to Susan and me. We are off to an excellent start for the fall semester. The positive outlook on campus is palpable, and I’m excited about the marvelous future that is ahead of us. Roll Tide and enjoy Homecoming 2015!


Start of fall semester update

Dear students, faculty and staff:

Welcome to The University of Alabama!  I hope you are as excited as I am about the start of a new year and all the opportunities we can look forward to as individuals and as a community.  The Capstone is a truly special place that is characterized by a deep commitment to excellence in everything we do. You will experience that commitment in every aspect of your college experience – in classrooms and labs, residence halls and recreation centers, clubs and organizations, community service projects and athletic events.

The coming academic year will offer many opportunities for learning and exploration, personally and professionally, and I encourage you to take advantage of all the resources available to help you thrive.  Especially for our students, Get on Board Day will help you find organizations that meet your specific needs and interests, and the Week of Welcome is a great way for our freshmen and transfer students to meet new friends and learn about campus traditions.

One of our highest priorities is to make sure that UA is a welcoming and inclusive campus for our students, faculty, staff, visitors and alumni. I encourage you to become familiar with the Capstone Creed, and to find ways each day to demonstrate your loyalty to our shared values.

During the coming year we will celebrate many milestones and successes together. Even as we adjust to new leadership, new students, new faculty and staff, and new buildings and facilities, our priorities will not change.  As the state’s flagship university, we will continue to serve our students, our communities, our state and the nation through outstanding teachingresearch that matters, and service that strengthens our communities. We will continue to make a positive difference in the lives we touch every day, and we will continue to focus on creating and sustaining an environment that encourages all members of the UA family to fulfill their highest potential.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to The University of Alabama. Welcome to the UA family, and Roll Tide!

Stuart R. Bell

P.S. I enjoyed meeting some of our RAs, volunteers and new students and their families on Move-In Day at Presidential.